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2014-06-20 00:40:36|  分类: 生命医学 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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PLOS ONE:抑制卵巢癌细胞扩散的基因通路



  阿德莱德大学研究卵巢癌的起源时,发现一条可以减缓卵巢癌扩散的基因通路。这一项发现部分归因于人类亲缘关系最远的哺乳动物,鸭嘴兽的遗传学研究。相关文章发表于2014年6月17日的《PLoS ONE》杂志上,研究人员描述一条涉及piRNA(启动卵巢癌)基因的遗传通路。

  “这条途径对于果蝇卵巢的发育很重要,但是它在哺乳动物中的作用知之甚少,”主要作者Frank Grützner副教授说。“我们以前研究发现,在鸭嘴兽,老鼠和人类中,细胞内的这些基因被激活以促进卵母细胞发育,就跟苍蝇一样。”




  “该实验室的测试已经确定未受损伤的基因能够阻止卵巢癌的扩散。如果我们能够更好地了解是什么阻止这些基因的正常工作,这可能是进一步研究异常兴趣的原因,” 阿德莱德大学副教授马丁·K·奥勒尔教授说。




Overexpression of piRNA Pathway Genes in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

Shu Ly Lim, Carmela Ricciardelli, Martin K. Oehler, Izza M. D. De Arao Tan, Darryl Russell, Frank Grützner

  The importance of the Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway for germ cell maintenance, genome integrity, DNA methylation and retrotransposon control raises possible roles of this pathway in cancer. Indeed aberrant expression of human PIWI orthologs and Maelstrom has been observed in various cancers. In this study we explored the expression and function of piRNA pathway genes in human ovarian cancer, based on our recent work, which showed widespread expression of piRNA pathway genes in the mammalian. Our work shows thatPIWIL1 and MAEL expression is significantly increased in malignant EOC (n = 25) compared to benign tumor tissues (n = 19) and normal ovarian tissue (n = 8). The expression of PIWIL3 is lower in malignant and benign tissues when compared to normal ovary. Sequencing of PIWIL1transcript revealed that in many tumors deletion of exon 17 leads to the introduction of a premature stop codon in the PIWI domain, likely due to a splicing error. In situ hybridization on tumor sections revealed that L1, PIWIL1, 2 and MAEL are specifically expressed in epithelial cells (cancerous cells) of EOC. Furthermore, PIWIL2 and MAEL are co-expressed in the stromal cells adjacent to tumor cells. Since PIWIL1 and MAEL are up regulated in malignant EOC and expressed in the epithelial cells, we investigated if these two genes affect invasiveness of ovarian cancer cell lines that do not normally express these genes. PIWIL1 andMAEL were transiently over expressed in the ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3, followed by real-time measurements of cell invasiveness. Surprisingly both PIWIL1 and MAEL over expression decreased the invasiveness of SKOV3 cells. Our findings support a growing body of evidence that shows that genes in this pathway are upregulated in cancer. In ovarian cancer we show for the first time that Piwil1 transcript may often be abnormal result in non functional product. In contrast to what has been observed in other cell types, we found that PIWIL1 and MAEL have a repressive effect on cell invasiveness.

相关小组: 生物探秘
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