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2014-06-11 05:22:24|  分类: 生命医学 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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  由医学院的生物化学和分子遗传学副教授兼霍华德休斯医学研究所早期职业科学家Jeffrey S. Kieft博士与他的同事解答了已经困扰科学家几十年的一个机制和分子秘密。



  利用一种称为x射线衍射晶体分析法的技术,Kieft 及其同事使得高分辨率的分子复杂三维结构可视化。它们发现病毒RNA有一个‘两面派’体系结构:一面是细胞RNA的模拟,另一面是完全不同的,这很可能提供能力在感染期间完成一些工作。这种行为模式也许是普遍的,因此这项研究能适用于许多不同的病毒。



The structural basis of transfer RNA mimicry and conformational plasticity by a viral RNA

Timothy M. Colussi,David A. Costantino,John A. Hammond,Grant M. Ruehle,Jay C. Nix & Jeffrey S. Kieft

  RNA is arguably the most functionally diverse biological macromolecule. In some cases a single discrete RNA sequence performs multiple roles, and this can be conferred by a complex three-dimensional structure. Such multifunctionality can also be driven or enhanced by the ability of a given RNA to assume different conformational (and therefore functional) states1. Despite its biological importance, a detailed structural understanding of the paradigm of RNA structure-driven multifunctionality is lacking. To address this gap it is useful to study examples from single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses, a prototype being the tRNA-like structure (TLS) found at the 3′ end of the turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV). This TLS not only acts like a tRNA to drive aminoacylation of the viral genomic (g)RNA2, 3, 4, but also interacts with other structures in the 3′ untranslated region of the gRNA5, contains the promoter for negative-strand synthesis, and influences several infection-critical processes6. TLS RNA can provide a glimpse into the structural basis of RNA multifunctionality and plasticity, but for decades its high-resolution structure has remained elusive. Here we present the crystal structure of the complete TYMV TLS to 2.0?? resolution. Globally, the RNA adopts a shape that mimics tRNA, but it uses a very different set of intramolecular interactions to achieve this shape. These interactions also allow the TLS to readily switch conformations. In addition, the TLS structure is ‘two faced’: one face closely mimics tRNA and drives aminoacylation, the other face diverges from tRNA and enables additional functionality. The TLS is thus structured to perform several functions and interact with diverse binding partners, and we demonstrate its ability to specifically bind to ribosomes.

相关小组: 生物探秘
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